1. Data controller
Name | Bonnier Rights Finland Werner Söderström Ltd (hereinafter ”WSOY”) |
Visiting address | Lönnrotinkatu 18 A, Helsinki, Finland |
Mailing address | PL 1259, 00101 Helsinki, Finland |
Telephone number | Tel. +358 10 5060 101 |
Contact information in all data protection matters | Werner Söderström Ltd Data protection matters PL 1259 00101 Helsinki Finland tietosuoja@wsoy.fi |
2. Name of the register
Bonnier Rights Finland newsletter subscriber register.
3. Purpose of the register
The purpose of the register is to distribute marketing communications to key stakeholders. The register is used for mailing the newsletter.
4. Content of the register
The register contains the following information: name, email address, professional title, company and professional interests.
5. Where data is collected
Information is collected from the individual themselves when they register as a newsletter subscriber or through other personal, electronic, or telephone interactions, or when participating in events.
6. Disclosure and transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area
The Bonnier Rights Finland newsletter utilises the Mailchimp newsletter service, which results in the transfer of personal data outside the European Union. MailChimp is committed to the Privacy Shield agreement, ensuring that personal data is protected as required by Finnish data protection law. More information about MailChimp’s data security.
7. Data protection of the register
Access to the register is restricted to individuals at WSOY who handle marketing communications for Bonnier Rights Finland. Individuals processing the register data are trained in its use.
8. The right to object
The data subject has the right to prohibit the data controller from processing their personal data. Subscription to the newsletter can be canceled via the link at the end of each newsletter.
9. The right to inspection and the right to rectify
Individuals in the register have the right to check the accuracy and up-to-dateness of their personal data. Inspection requests must be made in writing and addressed to the data controller by email, post, or via the online form at https://tietosuoja.wsoy.fi/tietosuoja-asiat-ja-rekisteriselosteet/.